Friday, November 4, 2011

When did I become an adult?!

I am 22 years old- soon to be 23. I recognize that this is still very young, however I am technically an adult. I know that I'm responsible and capable of living independently as I've been doing it for 3 years now, but I still have a hard time believing that others view me as an "Adult." Does anyone else know this feeling? Or am I just weird? Anywho- every once and a while I do something or experience something that makes me feel especially grown-up or ladylike, even if it's just for a fleeting instance. Here are a few of those things:

1. Leaving a lipstick print on my coffee cup. This makes me think of my mom and makes me feel super classy.

2. Writing checks and mailing them off to pay my bills (yes, I still do it the old fashioned way, mostly because it makes it hard to forget and makes me more concious of the amount of money I spend.)

3. Buying wine with my groceries (no matter that my groceries usually consist of lean cuisines, mac & cheese, and ice cream).

4. Getting my oil changed- it's a terribly boring task but theres something so grown up about sitting with the other grown ups in the lobby at Jiffy Lube.

5. Christmas shopping- As we gear up for Christmas season, I always feel a little impressed at myself, that while I don't have a lot to spend on presents, I still don't have to get $20 from my dad to buy a present for my mom...

6. Cooking dinner in my crockpot. I have no clue why this makes me feel grown up but it totally does.

Those are a few of the things that remind me that I am, infact, an adult. Other little things sneak up on me from time to time but I have a hard imagining that I'll ever not be amazed by the things my age dictates I can do.... Here's to feeling young at heart forever!


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