Thursday, November 24, 2011

Gobble, Gobble!

Happy Thanksgiving from us Birds!


May your day be filled with loving family and friends, parades, dog shows, and pie! We are so thankful for all of our many blessings, but especially for each other!

The Birds

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Time for Tea (And a Recipe)!

Hello Little Birds!
This weekend, I had the pleasure of attending my church's Ladies Winter Tea. It was such a lovely time for fellowship with my sisters in Christ, but even more importantly, proceeds from the tea went to Redeemed Ministries which rescues women trapped in the sex trafficking industry here in Houston. For those of you who don't know- Houston is the largest human trafficking port in the United States which is an absolute atrocity. I am so grateful for groups like Redeemed Ministries.

Anywho- the tea. I am a very old soul. A classy event like an afternoon tea is right up my ally. What's more, is that for this tea, women in the church were allowed to 'adopt' one of the tables to set however they liked, so that other ladies might have a unique and beautifully set place to eat. I have lots of memories of my mom and grandmothers pulling out their beautiful china for various teas and I was so excited to adopt a table of my own. Here's what I did with my table:

I got to use my great-grandmother's china (which is my favorite of all the china patterns floating around my mom's house) AND my Mason jars, which made it perfectly eclectic. My sister helped me to pick out fresh flowers this morning and we were both beyond excited to incorporate some fabulous purple thistles into the mix. I wish the pictures did them justice! I even worked in some of my jadeite collection and some favorite vintage etiquette books to prop up flower arrangements. Over all, I was extremely pleased and proud to sit at my adorable table.

I also did a little baking for the tea. I made a bunch of really tasty apple-pear hand pies, but I also decided that since I was channeling my grandmother and great-grandmother with the china, that I should also make some of grandma's bourbon balls- one of her holiday favorites. They are so tasty and so so easy so I wanted to share the recipe with you all! Here we go:

Here's the cast of characters.
-A box of Nilla wafers (about 3 cups crushed) 
-1 cup of powdered sugar
- 1/4 cup of unsweetened cocoa powder
-1/2 cup of chopped pecans or walnuts
- 3 tablespoons of lite corn syrup
- 1/2 cup of bourbon

Crush your nilla wafers in a food processor or in a plastic bag using a rolling pin- old school style. That's how I do it. Then combine all of your ingredients. 

Don't judge my use of a cake pan as a mixing bowl. My bowls were in the dishwasher and I just didn't have time to wait for them! After everything is all mixed, roll small spoon-fulls into balls and then roll in powdered sugar.  If your mix is too dry when you try to roll it, add a little more corn syrup. It should pull everything right together. 
Needless to say, they were delicious. They are a perfect throwback treat. For all of you little retro birds who are planning mod Christmas cocktail parties- Bourbon Balls are a must. 

Happy Season's Baking to you all!
Love, Magpie

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Sweet, Sweet Jewelry

Happy Thursday!

I just wanted to share a local Nashville couple who started their own jewelry line this summer.  They are called Honey and Marrow and I am OBSESSED with their antique-infused, industrial style jewelry. So, so great.
Image of Brawn & Beauty

I'm all about supporting small businesses, so give these guys a thought when you do your holiday shopping!

Image of Rape & Mugger Image of Stay Lucky

Check them out  here !

-- Eagle

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Pillow Talk

This weekend was filled with lots of homework and projects.  In my Textiles class we had an assignment to create a garment or accessory using a finishing method (i.e. printing, embroidery, pleating, dyeing, etc.). I chose to create throw pillows because I have been wanting to try out an idea that I've had for a while.

I had some extra wool leftover from a jacket I had made in my Clothing Construction class earlier this semester and decided this was a perfect opportunity to use it up.  I hate wasting materials and get some sort of sick OCD rush when I use up extra stuff lying around.

I bought a linoleum block at my local craft store and quickly drew on my design and then carved it out with a gouge.  I don't spend a lot of time contemplating and measuring designs - I kind of just go with the flow.  The more random the end product is, the better I like it.

Next, I laid out my wool and started printing with my textile ink (also found at a local craft store).  I use one of those cheap sponge brushes found in the kids section of the store because A).  sometimes I'm just not in the mood for clean-up.  Yes I know that's not very green of me.  B).  I like the texture that using a cheap, stiff sponge gives my print.  

Again, I didn't really focus on printing super-straight or getting an even coat of ink.  I personally love the way imperfection looks.  I even put different papers and bags underneath my fabric to give it some extra texture and oomph.  

After my print had dried (it didn't take long with the wool - maybe half an hour), I cured it with an iron on the wrong side of the print and took to adding some top stitching.  I have a pretty consistent love affair with primary colors and decided to add primary-themed top stitching.  

After I was satisfied with the top stitching, I sewed up the sides, leaving a few inches to stuff it, flipped it right side out, and stuffed it with our good ol' friend Poly-Fil.  I finished by slip stitching the opening shut and this baby was ready to meet the world!

I ended up making a second pillow the exact same way, except I used pink top stitching and made the pillow shape a square.  

There is nothing else I love more than creating something with my own two hands that is cuddly AND pretty.  So satisfying.  

Go forth and create, little birds!

-- Eagle

P.S. If you are interested in this pillow, check out our newly-created Etsy shop! We are working on getting items up and making our new little nest look pretty. 

For Eagle & Magpie goodness fly on over HERE .

Friday, November 11, 2011

Footloose Friday!!

Morning little birds!
So.... I'm obsessed with the new Footloose. I recognize that this makes me a traitor to the classic 80's film, but let me state for the record that Kevin Bacon's Ren has a very special place in my heart. However, this new one blows my mind. I went to see it AGAIN last night and I definitely think it was even better the 3rd time around.

Ever since my first viewing I've been a bit obsessed with a particular line dance that the young'uns do mid-movie when they head to the big city for some serious country dancing. The song is called 'Fake I.D.,' by Big N' Rich and Julianne Hough and Kenny Wormald make this look like the most amazing line dance ever choreographed. Here, for your viewing pleasure:

Now that you are totally jealous of Julianne's skills, here is the tutorial that's been evading me for weeks!! Now, it's Friday and that means that tonight will be dedicated to mastering this line dance in my living room. It's going to be the most eventful Friday night I've had in quite some time! Anyone with me? 

Cut Loose Tonight!
Love, Magpie

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

What-the-heck Wednesday

Wednesdays are always the point in my week when I need a stiff drink and a back rub. My first half of the week is so jam-packed between school, homework, and my internship that I barely have time to breathe until Wednesday nights.

Tonight is no different.

I'm exhausted. Tonight I had to finish making some bucket bag linings for the artist I intern for, which is actually pretty fun, but still tiring none-the-less. I also have two of my major studio classes on Wednesdays - illustration and color theory. Color theory isn't so bad, but illustration makes me question my existence on a weekly basis. It kills me. Drawing isn't my passion and that paired with the fact that I don't always understand my teacher's methods equals one stressed little bird.

This week we actually got to work with color on our illustrations, which is fun and challenging all rolled up into a ball of neurotic excitement.

I thought I'd share a couple of my pictures from my illustration homework before I make the long-anticipated journey into sleep-land (where all my dreams come true and I sleep on clouds of cotton candy, Katy Perry style).

Enjoy and goodnight!

~ a very tired and delirious Eagle

Friday, November 4, 2011

When did I become an adult?!

I am 22 years old- soon to be 23. I recognize that this is still very young, however I am technically an adult. I know that I'm responsible and capable of living independently as I've been doing it for 3 years now, but I still have a hard time believing that others view me as an "Adult." Does anyone else know this feeling? Or am I just weird? Anywho- every once and a while I do something or experience something that makes me feel especially grown-up or ladylike, even if it's just for a fleeting instance. Here are a few of those things:

1. Leaving a lipstick print on my coffee cup. This makes me think of my mom and makes me feel super classy.

2. Writing checks and mailing them off to pay my bills (yes, I still do it the old fashioned way, mostly because it makes it hard to forget and makes me more concious of the amount of money I spend.)

3. Buying wine with my groceries (no matter that my groceries usually consist of lean cuisines, mac & cheese, and ice cream).

4. Getting my oil changed- it's a terribly boring task but theres something so grown up about sitting with the other grown ups in the lobby at Jiffy Lube.

5. Christmas shopping- As we gear up for Christmas season, I always feel a little impressed at myself, that while I don't have a lot to spend on presents, I still don't have to get $20 from my dad to buy a present for my mom...

6. Cooking dinner in my crockpot. I have no clue why this makes me feel grown up but it totally does.

Those are a few of the things that remind me that I am, infact, an adult. Other little things sneak up on me from time to time but I have a hard imagining that I'll ever not be amazed by the things my age dictates I can do.... Here's to feeling young at heart forever!


Thursday, November 3, 2011

Wishful Thinking

Magpie and I were just having a little chat session before bedtime and these were a few things that came up in our conversation.  Tiny nuggets of inspiration, if you will.

We are excited about Christmas and New Years coming up. This means dressing up, classy parties, and cocktails in vintage glasses. Beehive hair-do's, pearls, red heels, red lips, and red dresses.

There is something so wonderfully amazing about the holiday season.  I'm not usually one to get all cheery and lovey-dovey about things, but I have come to enjoy the holidays for the nostalgia that they bring every year.  And who can say no to a little egg nog and pecan pie?

We also decided that to complete our desires of having the most fabulously vintage holiday season, a copy of She & Him's Christmas album on vinyl was absolutely necessary. 

Order this record HERE .


-- Eagle