Thursday, December 8, 2011

Brrrrr!!! This morning, Houston, TX hit 29 degrees! That's probably the coldest we're going to see all winter and I couldn't be more content! I may have mentioned this recently, but I love the cold!

With the weather shift, comes a whole new slew of wardrobe and beauty malfunctions that we as women ought to be prepared for (if not for ourselves, then for the poor girl at the office who did not think ahead)! Here's what's in my arsenal (aka my purse):

1. Clear Nail Polish- It's been cold enough to wear tights for approximately 3 weeks and I've snagged approximately 3 pairs of tights in that window. Clear nail polish will stop the snag from worsening as the day progresses.

2. Cherry Chapstik- cold wind equals parched lips and you just never know when someone might want a kiss!

3. A Hankerchief- stop your runny nose in the classiest way possible

4. Hand Cream- dry parched hands do not beg to be held.

5. Sweet knit or leather gloves- to seal in the moisture from your lotion and fight off the dry cold!

6. Nail clippers- you don't want your jagged nail causing a snag in your tights!

7. A dryer sheet (only on days when static cling is an issue)- rub a dryer sheet over the static-y skirt of your dress or tuck it in your waistband (out of sight-of course!) to ward of cling! You'll smell fresh too!

8. A bottle of water- hydration in the winter is soooooo imperative!

9. A tea bag or packet of instant coffee- a cup of coffee is my favorite accessory and you just never know when a caffiene fit may come on, be it summer or winter.

10. A silk scarf- weather I'm using it to keep my neck warm or my hair in place, I almost always have one on hand.

And now, I'm drafting an agreement for everyone to sign. The four rules of winter will be: 

1. I will NOT blast the heater in my car or house, pointing directly at me- this will cause my skin and hair to dry out even worse than what the cold does. I will direct heat toward my feet and let it engulf me- even if it means I have to be cold for an extra 30 seconds.

2. I will NOT honk my nose, no matter how bad my cold is. Ladies never honk.

3. I will drink water obsessively, even more than I drank to stay hydrated during the summer!

4. I will take full advantage of all of the best winter accessories- scarves, ascots, gloves, hats, tights, etc. I WILL properly accessorize.

Did I miss anything? What are your winter rules to live by?

Stay Warm, Little Birds!

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